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interphase interface中文是什么意思

用"interphase interface"造句"interphase interface"怎么读"interphase interface" in a sentence


  • 相间分界面
  • 中间相界面;相间界面


  • The present studies have proved that the most important factor which influences the performances of lithium metal anode in battery is the solid electrolyte interphase interface - film ( sei film ) on lithium anode . and how to make lithium metal anode have a sei film with favorable composition and stable configuration , or make the sei film have better stability , is the key to improve the electrochemistry performances of lithium metal anode in lithium secondary battery
    已有的研究证明:影响金属锂负极在电池中性能的主要因素是其表面的固体电解质中间相界面膜( sei膜)的性能;如何使锂金属电极表面具有组成良好、结构稳定的sei膜,或者使锂电极表面sei膜能够更好的“稳定化” ,是提高锂二次电池中锂金属负极电化学性能的关键。
用"interphase interface"造句  
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